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Catherine Hansen
Apr 30, 2022
We're alive, but not living as fully as we deserve
The world is changing and women are waking up to the reality that there is more. That life is not meant to be brushed across, rushed...

Catherine Hansen
Apr 25, 2022
Imagine owning your power
My hope for the upcoming community experience is that you learn to listen inward when external noise is deafening. Consider what it would...

Catherine Hansen
Apr 23, 2022
What made you glad to be alive today?
What made you glad to be alive today? What did you see, hear, taste, touch or smell that did your heart good? I’ve been contemplating...

Catherine Hansen
Apr 19, 2022
We "see" you
We "see" you. You go out into the world each day to do important things. People need you—colleagues, clients, children, partners,...

Catherine Hansen
Apr 14, 2022
Savour your one precious life
We receive joy through our senses. We receive everything through our senses. When did we learn to tune them out? As women, we’ve been...

Catherine Hansen
Apr 12, 2022
The pleasure of our 5 senses
From a young age, I’ve been fascinated by the question, “who am I inside this body?” Yet, as the years have progressed and I’ve gained...

Catherine Hansen
Apr 11, 2022
Are you connected to your wild side?
I put my “fancy-pants’ panties on today. Bright orange. A color I never wear. The color of the sacral chakra. You may put on...

Catherine Hansen
Apr 2, 2022
Why does "being yourself" matter?
What advice would you give to women? This 3.5 video by Glamour magazine poses this question to women ages 5 through 75—I found the...

Catherine Hansen
Mar 12, 2022
Why we should break the bias
Last week I asked you to re-imagine your image of what a leader is—they're not just men in high level positions, but can be anyone who...

Catherine Hansen
Mar 6, 2022
4 skill sets that identify you as a leader
How would you describe a leader? Most of us have this image in our head of what a leader looks like—a tall, corporate C-suite office...
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