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Catherine Hansen
Sep 9, 2023
The likability dilemma for women leaders
"For as long as I can remember, I've had this insatiable desire to compete, to accomplish and to prove myself. My energy isn’t easily...

Catherine Hansen
Aug 21, 2023
It's time to listen inwards
Working with 'awakening' women for many years (through my various workshops, speaking engagements, and The Empowered Women's Circle), it...

Catherine Hansen
Jul 24, 2023
Sex has no expiry date
By now, you know that I don't shy away from hard questions or taboo topics like perimenopause/menopause and sex. When I was growing up...

Catherine Hansen
Feb 20, 2023
Let's get juicy!
This past week I noticed something very interesting. There was a news article about menopause on mainstream Canadian news. I have to...

Catherine Hansen
Nov 21, 2022
Meet my new friends
This week's EWC circle was one for the books and I'm inspired to share a glimpse into our intimate experience with you as you cuddle into...

Catherine Hansen
Nov 14, 2022
Women in circle can have a global impact
"The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life." –...

Catherine Hansen
Jul 11, 2022
Why women need to say no
As women we try to be everything to everyone at all times. We don't like to disappoint, so when someone asks something of us, even if we...

Catherine Hansen
Jun 20, 2022
Open that bottle of champagne
There was once a woman who had a dress she was saving for a special occasion. She had it for years and never wore it. Then, she only...

Catherine Hansen
May 15, 2022
What's your power pose?
Do you have a power pose? During a TED talk, social psychologist and Harvard lecturer, Amy Cuddy, spoke about her research "which...

Catherine Hansen
May 4, 2022
Life is about more than just surviving
When I went into medical school I was young and naive and my heart was filled with an overflowing desire to help women. Women let me into...
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